Reversing Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery

Reversing Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery
Eat To Live - Eat For Health

Friday, January 29, 2010

Heart Attacks at 16???

Looking at what a society accepts as normal can tell you alot of information. Some cultures think cannabilism is "normal" and others think that mistreatment of women is "normal". If we look closely enough we can really see some of the problems in our society when young 16 year old kids having heart attacks is accepted as normal.

Last year I had to take a CPR class to get certified to be a rafting guide. In that CPR class, one 16 year old boy was there because his friend had a heart attack at 16. He wanted to learn CPR to help his friend in the event that he should have a second heart attack.

So many people are confused about heart disease. They think it has something to do with genetics.

In the China Study, a county of over 500,000 rural Chinese was observed for a three year period. In that time not one person below the age of 64 died of heart disease.

Here in America the story is different. My Accounting teacher passed away at 38 from a heart attack and my uncle at 37 from a heart attack.

What makes our outcomes different? The rural Chinese consumed 1/10th the amount of animal products that Americans do. In their culture it was common for people to only have one serving of animal products per week.

These are poor rural Chinese people that had no access to fancy supplements or to some crazy juice that someone tries to sell because it has all kinds of antioxidants in it.

The other misconception people have in America is that heart disease is a normal part of life or that it is unavoidable. Some people even think it isn't that big of a deal.

My grandfather died of a stroke at 65. Imagine working a lifetime and finally reaching retirement age and then dying of a preventable disease.

My great grandfather had a stroke and was unable to talk for the remainder of his life. Strokes and heart attacks are serious. Anything we can do to avoid them is worth it.

The picture is of Jean Dominique-Bauby and it is after his stroke he had at the age of 43. The movie, The Diving Bell and The Butterfly is about his life after his stroke. This poor man was so young. Too young to have a stroke.

After Jean had his stroke he was only able to make some simple movements of his head and eyelids. He was unable to talk. His nurse used a very complex system of letters and blinking of his eyes to communicate with him.

Communicating like this allowed him to actually get a book published and then shortly after that he passed away.

I feel really bad for Jean Dominique-Bauby. I think our society has an obligation to tell people that getting our total cholesterol below 150 can make us heart attack proof.

Please let me know if you think it is ethical to with hold this information from people. We really should tell people about these doctors that are reversing and preventing heart disease so that young people don't end up having heart attacks and strokes.

Go to Heart Attack Proof for more information on heart disease reversal and prevention.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eating Green - Saving Planet One Bite At A Time

"If all Americans abstained from eating meat for five days a week, they would save 498 megatons of greenhouse gas emissions. This would result in carbon savings equivalent to planting 13 billion trees in your garden and letting them grow for ten years. That is 43 trees per American!"

-Meat The Truth documentary

Watch the new documentary Meat The Truth.

This is fascinating that we can help our planet by consuming less animal products, because Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn used a 100% plant-based diet to reverse heart disease. Dr. Esselstyn took 17 patients that were all told they would die within weeks or months. They are all still alive 20 years later after following the dietary advice of Dr. Esselstyn.

Murlan Murphy is one of those patients and is now 88 years old and feels better than he ever has in his life. Before he met Dr. Esselstyn there were no men in his family that lived past the age of 60.

It is so incredible that the same thing that can save the planet can also reverse heart disease.
The number one killer of fire fighters in this country is not fires. The number one killer of those brave fire fighters is heart disease.
Dr. Esselstyn's son, Rip Esselstyn, is a former world class athlete and knows the importance of following a plant-based diet to avoid heart attacks and strokes. In his book, The Engine 2 Diet, Rip points out that the 45 year long Framingham Heart Study never had one person with a total cholesterol of lower than 150 have a heart attack. His fellow fire fighters use this information and a plant-based diet to keep healthy.

Following this advice has really paid off for me so far. I am 33 years old and my total cholesterol is 116 last time I checked it. I am not on any medications. Doing something good for the planet has helped me stay away from cholesterol lowering meds. I have also seen major improvements in my athletic abilities.

Engine 2 Fire Fighters Keep Their Total Cholesterol Below 150

"Could you ever love a pot of gold?"

That's a line from one of my favorite songs by Michael Franti. It would be pretty hard to love a pot of gold or to love a million dollars.

Why are profits more important than the truth?

I want to live in a society where people are more important than profits.

I want to live in a society where our health care system profits when people get better.

This is the part of my post where you think to yourself, "This guy is crazy." It's so hard to understand what I am talking about because we have been raised to believe that our current health care system is the best in the world.

The more searching you do the more you will find that our current health care system only profits if we get sick. There is no incentive to make us better. The current system wants to make a profit so it is most profitable when the society is very sick and needs lots of pills and surgeries.

Let me just give you this bit of information. The cure for multiple sclerosis has been known for over 40 years now. No that is not a type out. I repeat: The cure for multiple sclerosis has been known for over 40 years now.

It was discovered by Dr. Roy B. Swank 40 years ago. Since then he has helped over 5,000 people cure themselves of MS with a 98% success rate.

Our current medical system in America is the most expensive system in the world, and a doctor in our system will tell patients that there is NO CURE!!! Then they will proceed to tell the patient how miserable there lives will become. They will also tell the patient how they will eventually spend the rest of their life in a hospital bed.

"Could you ever love a pot of gold?"

-Michael Franti

Dr. Roy B. Swank tells the patient something else. He tells them that diet can cure 98% of MS patients. He then tells them what to do and gives them a choice. The following two people cured themselves of MS following the work of Dr. McDougall based on the cure discovered by Dr. Roy B. Swank.

Donna McFarland Cures Multiple Sclerosis

Deb Tasic Cures Multiple Sclerosis

Money is really a good thing. It is very important in my life, but I want a society where we tell people the truth. I want to live in a society where people who are suffering are helped instead of just used for profits.

I really love having money in my life, but I love humans not money. The bible said to "love our neighbor", not to love his/her wallet or checkbook.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Healthy Chocolate Cake

We just got finished with our "Healthy" Eating potluck here at work. I entered my healthy whole foods chocolate cake from Eat For Health.

Everyone was just raving about it. No one could believe something without sugar could be so good.

I have told everyone to take some home to their signifigant others.

This is the revolution. Showing people a way to make healthy cholesterol free food that is good.

I feel good that I am part of a revolution where we find innovative ways to enjoy our foods and improve our quality of lives.

Pictures of this chocolate cake are coming soon.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pocatello 50 Mile Run

It's been in my thoughts for days. Every single training scenario has been playing out over and over. The P50. 51 miles of running on mountainous trails in Pocatello, Idaho.

I want to run a 50 mile run. I want to put that challenge out there to myself and face that obstacle one day at time and then climb over that wall with my head held high.

It's so hard to get in shape if we don't have a reason to be in shape. What's the point of being in good shape just to look good?
This is going to be my challenge for 2010. Training begins right now! My aunt Laura is up for the challenge so we will both push ourselves to a new limit. Anyone out there is welcome to come face this challenge with us.

I have been reading alot about World War II lately, because my grandfather fought over there in the Battle of The Bulge. It makes me sad that so many Americans don't take care of their health when we have healthy food available every where and have no excuse. Reading about all those young men who died for our freedom, and we are taken it for granted. So many of us are following a "suicide" diet and a "suicide" coach potato lifestyle.

I dedicate my running of the P50 to the people who risked their lives for our freedom and the young people who died for this country. I am not going to take my life for granted. If they hadn't sacrificed for this country I might not be here or I might not have all the incredible luxuries I have.

May all beings on this planet realize the "true" value of health

May every American in this country be blessed with the wisdom and will power to take care of themselves

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Stressed Out Junk Food Cycle

It is a vicious cycle that keeps repeating in our lives and in our society.
We get stressed out and then we sit in front of the television to relax and unwind.
Unfortunately the television is trying to get us hooked on every type of toxic food there is out there.
Then we get in this cycle of using decadent foods to deal with stress.
Then we gain lots of weight and it stresses us out more. Then we decide to eat more food and feel sorry for ourselves.

First of all television is not a way to relieve stress. Exercise is an effective way to deal with stress. Just stretching for a couple of minutes here and there at work feels so good.

Why do most people not know how to deal with stress and avoid this cycle of self destructive behavior and food addictions?

I would like anyone out there to take a look at the work of Dr. Dwayne Dyer, Lori Lite, and Louise L. Hay on their children books. All of these authors have designed children's books to teach children how to think positively and deal with stress.

My idea here is simple. Let's use our money to support people that are making a difference. Then we will be making a difference with them. I bought some of these books for my niece because I want her to feel good about herself.
Lets teach kids how to deal with stress and strong emotions at a young age. Lets teach them to love themselves when they are young and build their self esteem up every day.

Stress Free Kids - This is the website where Lori Lite talks about her books. Imagine teaching kids how to do deep breathing, affirmations, and relaxation techniques at a young age. The Angry Octopus is a Lori Lite book that teaches kids how to effectively deal with anger.

May all humans on this planet find ways to deal with stress

May our lives get better every day as we learn and grow

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Take Care of The Gift - No Excuses

You were given the most important gift of your life. No fancy cell phone or brand new car can compare to this gift.

We were all given the gift of life. We only get one body and it has to last our entire life time. Think about your body as the most highly technological thing on this planet.

Think of those 90 trillion cells that are making life possible for you every day. They are doing their job every single day so we need to make sure and do our job. We need to give them the right fuel.

Right now I am feeding my 90 trillion cells white flesh sweet potatoes with mushroom gravy and a salad with a fat free dressing.

Too many people treat their bodies like it is a piece of junk. Who on earth would ever treat their car as bad as some of us treat our bodies?

Ironically then we expect high performance out of it.

That is why I am telling you to take care of your gift. I am reminding you that you only get one body. In order to get the most out of this one life we get that we know of we need to take care of the gift.

Look at people like Jack Lalanne and Ruth Heidrich and see the firsthand benefits of taking care of this gift.

Ruth Heidrich Defeats Breast Cancer and Osteoporosis - Ruth Heidrich is now over 70 years old and she runs in over 54 marathons and triathlons every year. She defeated breast cancer and osteoporosis at 47 after adopting a low-fat 100% plant based diet. She got hit by a truck during one marathon when she was 67 and broke some bones, but it didn't stop her for long. She recovered and got right back to running.

Scott Jurek is taking care of his gift too. Scott Jurek has won the 100 mile Western Endurance run seven times now and has won the 135 mile Death Valley run two times. He fuels his body with 100% plant foods. Smart! These keeps his arteries clean and his immune system working at full strength.

May all beings everywhere reach their full potential

May all beings experience joy in every precious moment of life

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Truth Shall Set You Free....

The bible said that the "truth" shall set us free.

Maybe the truth is that there is a way to avoid disease and be healthy our entire lives. The Okinawans, Hunzans, and Vilcabambans found this out and according to research and doctor's accounts they were free.

These different cultures were free of nursing homes, disease, disability, eye glasses, and there was no crime in the Hunzan society.

Ask yourself what is the truth. Has our current society taken us away from the truth?

Check out: - The book by John Robbins that looks at different cultures that had found a "truth" that literally set them free from disease.

May all beings on this planet know the "truth"

May all beings on this planet be free

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How Can We Love Our Neighbors?

We can probably start by taking care of our health. Every time we don't take care of ourselves our neighbors end up being burdened with a health care system that is unsustainable.

Articles in Times magazine have pointed out how this health care system has led to wages not increasing. Our health care system is so expensive that it is bankrupting companies that are trying to pay for it.

Many jobs are shipped overseas where health care costs are extremely lower and the employees don't receive benefits.

We can also love our neighbors by choosing a diet that is close to 100% plant foods. Edward McMillan states on his website that avoiding beef can save 300,000 gallons of water per year. This simple choice affects your human neighbors and animal neighbors that need drinking water just as much as the rest of us.

We can also help the ocean by choosing a diet that is close to 100% plant foods. The documentary The End of The Line is an incredible master piece. It shows very clearly how much damage has been done to the ocean. It shows how every year 7 million pounds of sea caught creatures are discarded as waste. The fact that our profit-based society has labeled them as "waste" means their deaths shortly after the horror of dying on a gigantic ocean fishing ship are for nothing.

Love your neighbors. Love them. Don't just love the humans. We can even love the insect neighbors that are beneficial for life on earth. There would be no life on this planet without the millions and millions of microorganisms in our soil or the incredible pollinating work of the bees.

I watched a documentary that was in China where workers had to pollinate fruit trees by hand because all the bees had died there because they used too many pesticides. The workers were crying. They were sad because man was not designed to pollinate trees. It was work that boggled the mind. This simple job that the bees do every single day is something that is a gift from God. There are no words to describe how incredible this act they do without promise of money, fame, or anything else that humans "value". They just do it. That might be there way of loving their neighbors.

We can love our neighbors by choosing organic foods as much as possible. We can love ourselves by choosing organic foods. I can get a big bag of organic carrots for $1.29 at Fred Meyer. They taste better and are made in a way that values the work that insects do for human kind.

There are so many ways to love our neighbor. I look at Jack Lalanne who according to everything I have read hasn't eaten beef for the last 80 years. If that is true he saved 24,000,000 gallons of water so far according to Edward McMillan.

Think of the simplicity of it. If we love ourselves and take care of ourselves then everything else will take care of itself. If we love our neighbors by living our lives mindfully then everything will fix itself.

Read the book, The Food Revolution, to learn more about the power of our choices to change this planet of read Diet for a New America by John Robbins.
Watch the documentary The End of The Line if you want to learn about the problems we face as a society. John Lennon said that there are "no problems, only solutions." I think he was definitely right.

May all beings everywhere be fed

May all beings on this planet be at peace

Monday, January 18, 2010

Is Eating Healthy Food Boring?

We have heard it since we were a baby. Eating healthy food is boring. Making dishes that are good for us is way too boring for the normal person to ever want to do it.

Did our creator design us to hate simple natural foods? It would be strange if we were designed that way. We would be the only species on the planet to reject the simple foods from the Earth on the grounds that they are too boring.

In my own personal experience I have found this myth to be totally untrue. As I have tried to get closer and closer to eating like Jack Lalanne I have found my dishes becoming simpler, but if you know what you are doing you can make healthy food that is incredible.

I used to crave junk food and bacon double cheeseburgers. I would order the "Meat" lovers pizzas with my friends.

Now I crave vegetables. Huge vegetable salads with my creamy tomato dressing from the Eat to Live book or my creamy chili lime dressing.

Any dish that is lacking vegetables is boring to me now. My girl friend makes some of the best food there is. She recently started making her San Bei Tofu with brown rice and it is incredible, but the dish is not complete without lots of lightly steam fried broccoli.

When we visited my niese who is only 2 years old I wanted to see if she would like healthy foods. The majority of the time I was there she would never finish anything. She would be handed every type of junk food you could think of from cookies to doughnuts and these foods weren't satisying enough to finish. I made her a fruit salad and gave her bananas and pumpkin seeds and she ate them all up. It was one of the first times she wan't being a picky eater.

It is so thrilling to know that I was designed to eat vegetables and the more I eat of them the more I crave them. Every single morning I can't wait to make my green smoothie with kale or spinach and fruit. If I go one day without this incredible dish I go into vegetable withdrawals. It's good. Having a $400 blender makes it a little better than a normal blender, but it is really good.

Dr. Milton Mills found that out of 19 different physiological charateristics, humans have all of these 19 characteristics in common with herbivores.

I rest easy knowing that the creator of this universe with millions of galaxies designed my body to consume plant foods and to enjoy them.

Every single meal I have is leading me to crave more healthy foods that help me keep my total cholesterol below 150.

May all beings everywhere be happy, peaceful, healthy, and joyful

May all beings everywhere be happy and free from suffering

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cost of Food Addictions - Up To $3 Million

The Biggest Loser showed on their most recent episode that premature death can cost a person up to $3 million dollars in medical bills, lost wages, and lost retirement income.

What is true health worth? Is it priceless?

There is only one doctor out there talking about it that I know of. His name is Dr. Fuhrman. He is talking about food addictions and how they destroy lives.

Every Tuesday I watch the Biggest Loser and see the effects of food addictions. No one is talking about it. Drug addictions are more glamorous and exciting and no one wants to admit that eating foods that destroy our health is not something a sane person would do.

Why do so many people eat doughnuts for breakfast? How can we justify starting a day off with a glob of sugar, white flour, and fat deep fried to perfection?

If it doesn't come directly from the Earth then maybe we should acknowledge how worthless and destructive it is to our bodies. At some point we need to ask ourselves how Moses managed to live to 120 years old. Did he wake up and eat junk food all day or did he eat foods from the Earth?

I witnessed food addictions destroy my family. I witnessed a 30 year old woman who was in the best shape of her life gain a large amount of weight in 14 years and it came down to choices.

That woman was my mother and I love her and I know she believed in the Bible, but how can we claim to practice the message of religion if we don't love ourselves.

Someone who truly loves themselves would never eat something that is bad for them. If that same person loved their neighbor they would only bring their neighbor healthy food. They would never bring their neighbor food that causes them to gain weight and eventually could lead to them missing out on $3 million dollars.

For our work wellness program I am going to make a "healthy" chocolate cake with zero refined sugars for my co-workers. This recipe can be found in the book Eat for Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
My co-workers are fathers and mothers and I want to give them food that will keep them healthy so they can take care of their families.
Give the gift of health. Whether it is a Christmas present or any gift it is the purest way to show people we care about them.

Imagine a world where we only made healthy foods for ourselves and our loved ones. Imagine what would happen if we loved ourselves that much just like the Bible asks us to.

Read Eat to Live and Eat for Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Check out his website at and his blog at

We can learn to eat foods that are good for us. They can become addictive to us if we give them a chance.
The picture below is about a man who gave up his addictions to junk food and started to Eat To Live. Doing this allowed him to avoid surgery and all medications even at 84 years old.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Invest In Yourself - Do Something Today

Today is the most important day there is in your life. Now is the most important moment there is in your LIFE!!!
We always use excuses to keep us away from true happiness in life. Don't make excuses.

What are you doing today to make your tomorrow better? What are you doing today that you will thank yourself for 25 years later from now?

The future "me" will not understand if I made "excuses" right now. Our creator made a universe with millions of different galaxies in it. Excuses are not part of our nature. We are creators.

Every day we are creating our future. Every thought we think, every choice we make, every bite we eat, and every drop of water we drink.

The best possible future requires an investment. Are you willing to make an investment in yourself?

Start by reading books and educating yourself. Find people who inspire you every day. Be filled with inspiration, joy, love, and happiness.

Jack Lalanne said, "Eat right and you can't go wrong."

“Today at 95 years of age, Jack is extremely flexible and has a will and mind as sharp as a tack. His wife Elaine, herself active, fit and svelte at 84, says she has known Jack for 60 years and has never known him to be sick.”
-Robert Kennedy, Owner of Muscle Mag and many other fitness magazines
Jack Lalanne didn't have any sick days for 60 years. Most people are scared of heart disease or cancer, but Jack doesn't even have to waste time worrying about the flu. That is what clean living can do for you.

Today I plan on doing the following or have already done the following things to make an investment in myself:

  1. Did yoga this morning. - It wasn't easy to get up early, but I felt really good afterwards.

  2. Super healthy breakfast smoothie - blueberries, bananas, almond milk, flax seeds, and organic broccoli.

  3. Super healthy black bean tacos for lunch - black beans, cabbage, pico de gallo, sauteed zucchinni, a little quacamole, in some corn tortillas.

  4. San Bei Tofu w/brown rice for dinner - Add in a veggie salad or steamed veggies.

  5. Weight lifting tonight after work.

  6. 8 minutes of ab work.
  7. Repeating affirmations before bed time.

Invest in yourself and enjoy an incredible retirement. Invest in yourself and create a better tomorrow. Envision your life getting better and better every day!

Read Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Esselstyn - This doctor reminds me of Jack Lalanne. He is 80 years old now and lifts weights every day and goes swimming for exercise. He took 17 patients that were all told they were going to die in weeks and reversed their heart disease. Now 20 years later they are all still alive. One of them is 88 years old and feels better than he ever has.

In the book, Live Young Forever by Jack Lalanne, Jack states that he feels better at 95 than he did at 25. That is my goal!!! No excuses.

May all beings everywhere live in joy, peace, happiness and love.

May anyone who reads this be blessed with health, happiness, joy, success, and peace of mind.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Eat Better - Live Longer - Save the Planet

Good afternoon world!

My message is simple. Take care of yourself. Love Yourself. Love this planet. Educate yourself.
I learned the hard way that life is not fun when we don't take care of our health. My uncle passed away at the age of 37 of a heart attack, a teacher in college at the age of 38 of a heart attack, and my mother of cancer at the age of 44.

Let's take care of our health and help save the planet at the same time. Make your diet contain as many fruits and vegetables as you can and limit animal products that are loaded with cholesterol and fat.

Check out these links for more information:

The bible said we need to love ourselves. I believe it 100%. I love myself. Every day I say affirmations to plant seeds to create a better tomorrow.

Have a great day!
The most important thing to know in life is:
Self improvement = World Improvement