The Biggest Loser showed on their most recent episode that premature death can cost a person up to $3 million dollars in medical bills, lost wages, and lost retirement income.
What is true health worth? Is it priceless?
There is only one doctor out there talking about it that I know of. His name is Dr. Fuhrman. He is talking about food addictions and how they destroy lives.
Every Tuesday I watch the Biggest Loser and see the effects of food addictions. No one is talking about it. Drug addictions are more glamorous and exciting and no one wants to admit that eating foods that destroy our health is not something a sane person would do.
Why do so many people eat doughnuts for breakfast? How can we justify starting a day off with a glob of sugar, white flour, and fat deep fried to perfection?
If it doesn't come directly from the Earth then maybe we should acknowledge how worthless and destructive it is to our bodies. At some point we need to ask ourselves how Moses managed to live to 120 years old. Did he wake up and eat junk food all day or did he eat foods from the Earth?
I witnessed food addictions destroy my family. I witnessed a 30 year old woman who was in the best shape of her life gain a large amount of weight in 14 years and it came down to choices.
That woman was my mother and I love her and I know she believed in the Bible, but how can we claim to practice the message of religion if we don't love ourselves.
Someone who truly loves themselves would never eat something that is bad for them. If that same person loved their neighbor they would only bring their neighbor healthy food. They would never bring their neighbor food that causes them to gain weight and eventually could lead to them missing out on $3 million dollars.
For our work wellness program I am going to make a "healthy" chocolate cake with zero refined sugars for my co-workers. This recipe can be found in the book Eat for Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
My co-workers are fathers and mothers and I want to give them food that will keep them healthy so they can take care of their families.
Give the gift of health. Whether it is a Christmas present or any gift it is the purest way to show people we care about them.
Imagine a world where we only made healthy foods for ourselves and our loved ones. Imagine what would happen if we loved ourselves that much just like the Bible asks us to.
Read Eat to Live and Eat for Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Check out his website at and his blog at
We can learn to eat foods that are good for us. They can become addictive to us if we give them a chance.
The picture below is about a man who gave up his addictions to junk food and started to Eat To Live. Doing this allowed him to avoid surgery and all medications even at 84 years old.

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