Good afternoon world!
My message is simple. Take care of yourself. Love Yourself. Love this planet. Educate yourself.
I learned the hard way that life is not fun when we don't take care of our health. My uncle passed away at the age of 37 of a heart attack, a teacher in college at the age of 38 of a heart attack, and my mother of cancer at the age of 44.
Let's take care of our health and help save the planet at the same time. Make your diet contain as many fruits and vegetables as you can and limit animal products that are loaded with cholesterol and fat.
Check out these links for more information:
- http://www.earthsave.org/ - Saving the planet with our forks and spoons. Awesome!
- http://www.heartattackproof.com/ - Dr. Esselstyn was the first doctor to reverse heart disease using a 100% plant-based diet.
- http://www.veganbodybuilders.com/
- http://www.thechinastudy.com/ - The most comprehensive nutritional study in human history. Jack Lalanne is living proof that this study is the most important information on nutrition there is.
The bible said we need to love ourselves. I believe it 100%. I love myself. Every day I say affirmations to plant seeds to create a better tomorrow.
Have a great day!
The most important thing to know in life is:
Self improvement = World Improvement
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