We were all given the gift of life. We only get one body and it has to last our entire life time. Think about your body as the most highly technological thing on this planet.
Think of those 90 trillion cells that are making life possible for you every day. They are doing their job every single day so we need to make sure and do our job. We need to give them the right fuel.
Right now I am feeding my 90 trillion cells white flesh sweet potatoes with mushroom gravy and a salad with a fat free dressing.
Too many people treat their bodies like it is a piece of junk. Who on earth would ever treat their car as bad as some of us treat our bodies?
Ironically then we expect high performance out of it.
That is why I am telling you to take care of your gift. I am reminding you that you only get one body. In order to get the most out of this one life we get that we know of we need to take care of the gift.
Look at people like Jack Lalanne and Ruth Heidrich and see the firsthand benefits of taking care of this gift.
Ruth Heidrich Defeats Breast Cancer and Osteoporosis - Ruth Heidrich is now over 70 years old and she runs in over 54 marathons and triathlons every year. She defeated breast cancer and osteoporosis at 47 after adopting a low-fat 100% plant based diet. She got hit by a truck during one marathon when she was 67 and broke some bones, but it didn't stop her for long. She recovered and got right back to running.
Scott Jurek is taking care of his gift too. Scott Jurek has won the 100 mile Western Endurance run seven times now and has won the 135 mile Death Valley run two times. He fuels his body with 100% plant foods. Smart! These keeps his arteries clean and his immune system working at full strength.

May all beings everywhere reach their full potential
May all beings experience joy in every precious moment of life
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