We can probably start by taking care of our health. Every time we don't take care of ourselves our neighbors end up being burdened with a health care system that is unsustainable.
Articles in Times magazine have pointed out how this health care system has led to wages not increasing. Our health care system is so expensive that it is bankrupting companies that are trying to pay for it.
Many jobs are shipped overseas where health care costs are extremely lower and the employees don't receive benefits.
We can also love our neighbors by choosing a diet that is close to 100% plant foods. Edward McMillan states on his website that avoiding beef can save 300,000 gallons of water per year. This simple choice affects your human neighbors and animal neighbors that need drinking water just as much as the rest of us.
We can also help the ocean by choosing a diet that is close to 100% plant foods. The documentary The End of The Line is an incredible master piece. It shows very clearly how much damage has been done to the ocean. It shows how every year 7 million pounds of sea caught creatures are discarded as waste. The fact that our profit-based society has labeled them as "waste" means their deaths shortly after the horror of dying on a gigantic ocean fishing ship are for nothing.
Love your neighbors. Love them. Don't just love the humans. We can even love the insect neighbors that are beneficial for life on earth. There would be no life on this planet without the millions and millions of microorganisms in our soil or the incredible pollinating work of the bees.
I watched a documentary that was in China where workers had to pollinate fruit trees by hand because all the bees had died there because they used too many pesticides. The workers were crying. They were sad because man was not designed to pollinate trees. It was work that boggled the mind. This simple job that the bees do every single day is something that is a gift from God. There are no words to describe how incredible this act they do without promise of money, fame, or anything else that humans "value". They just do it. That might be there way of loving their neighbors.
We can love our neighbors by choosing organic foods as much as possible. We can love ourselves by choosing organic foods. I can get a big bag of organic carrots for $1.29 at Fred Meyer. They taste better and are made in a way that values the work that insects do for human kind.
There are so many ways to love our neighbor. I look at Jack Lalanne who according to everything I have read hasn't eaten beef for the last 80 years. If that is true he saved 24,000,000 gallons of water so far according to Edward McMillan.
Think of the simplicity of it. If we love ourselves and take care of ourselves then everything else will take care of itself. If we love our neighbors by living our lives mindfully then everything will fix itself.
Read the book, The Food Revolution, to learn more about the power of our choices to change this planet of read Diet for a New America by John Robbins.
Watch the documentary The End of The Line if you want to learn about the problems we face as a society. John Lennon said that there are "no problems, only solutions." I think he was definitely right.

May all beings everywhere be fed
May all beings on this planet be at peace
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