Thursday, February 25, 2010
Former Football Player Goes Vegan To Reverse Disease
Interview with a Nutritarian: Terry - Read the article at here.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I Will Wait for You All at The Finish Line
I would like to take this moment, to say "Thank you" for everyone's support. I would like to thank Amber for every thing she has done for me and my running dog, Pinole.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The Cliff...
Dr. Milton Mills examined 19 different physilogical characteristics of humans, omnivores and herbivores. Humans share all 19 characteristics with herbivores and only one with carnivores. Our diet is lethal becasue we are not anatomically designed to eat a corpse. We are designed to climb trees and pick fruit.
This explains why I cannot run and catch a deer, but I can do hundreds of pull-ups.
So start making more meals with 100% plant foods and stop fighting with our anatomical design. Stop walking toward the cliff and following the other Lemmings.
Many of those lemmings were my family members who died of strokes, heart attacks, and cancer which is also a result of clogging our arteries. The immune system is useless if our arteries are clogged.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Engine 2 Fire Fighters on Dr. Oz Show
Then vegan world class runners like Scott Jurek are in books like Born To Run along with one of the most incredible vegan athletes of all time, Ruth Heidrich.
It's kind of funny. They keep telling you that you are being crazy, but no body is paying attention to what is actually going on. Things are changing.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Tarahumara Energy Foods - Ancient Energy Bars
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tarahumara Indians - The Men Who Live Forever
-Born To Run by Christopher McDougall
What Is Wrong With Us? How Did Most of Us Guys Get So Dumb?
Women are the stronger part of this yin yang equation. We need both for harmony, peace, and enlightenment, but women have been pushed aside from their rightful place in history.
We need women to start educating themselves and steer this ship back on course before we hit a really big ice berg and end up destroying this incredible country.
This book is next on my reading list after I finish the five books I am digesting at the moment. I am overwhelmed with books right now, but Pam Reed is incredible.
She beat the guys and girls in the 135 mile Badwater run in 130 degree temperature and she didn't even feel hot at all. Women are stronger than us. They can endure more pain and can beat us and I really think they are smarter than us, but our media is pushing our entire society towards dumbing ourselves down.
I have met so many women and men who don't read. They spend the majority of their time watching t.v. shows that do nothing to educate us and very little to inspire us to get off the couch and DO something!
The picture below is from an article by Dr. Fuhrman showing what is happening to kids today on the SAD (Standard American Diet). We are killing our own kids with high fat foods.
The Tarahumara let women have an equal place in society and they have no cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, war, theft, running injuries, carbon emissions or any of the other problems we have created in this society.
The message is simple. Women need to start smartening up their guys. We can see that the Tarahumara Indians have a society without our problems and if we want that for America we need to use our brains.
Every time a woman reads a book like Born To Run or Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease we will be that much closer to a society where our quality of life lasts a life time and we don't have to spend the last part of our lives in nursing homes and wheel chairs. We can spend the last years of our lives hiking, biking, and out in nature doing stuff like the Tarahumara do when they are 95 and walking 26 miles in the Copper Canyons.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Black Bean Brownies for Valentine's Day
I made some of these Black Bean Brownies this week from Dr. Fuhrman. I thought they were incredible. I used Wonder Slim 99.7% caffeine free cocoa powder, because caffeine makes it so I cannot sleep good. Black beans actually have 10 times more antioxidants that oranges do. Just one cup of black beans provides 30% of your protein for the day and 20% of your iron per day.
I am going to make another batch for Valentine's Day. I like to give healthy gifts instead of unhealthy gifts for holidays. I always think about what someone would have gave someone thousands of years ago before there was junk food. At one time we just had what the Earth provided and that is what I like to give.
Dr. Fuhrman has successfully helped many patients reverse their disease. If you go to his website you can look at the success stories there. Check out
I always get amazed when I read about Julia and how she had three heart attacks and was on over 11 medications before she met Dr. Fuhrman. She could barely even walk one block she was in so much pain and so overweight.
Now she has reversed her heart disease and is off all medications. She has lost 105 lbs and is living her life again.
No Heart Disease, Crime, War, Theft, Obesity, Drug Addiction...
-Born To Run by Christopher McDougall
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Give Yourself a Brain Massage
Winning is a subliminal CD that Kelly Howell has made and it also has the brain waves included to help change our brain waves to a more relaxed and natural state.
I love this CD, because the affirmations are exactly what I am always thinking about. A life that is not based on excuses, but one that is always about pushing ourselves to be our best.
- I play to win
- I am a success
- I have unlimited stamina
- I am strong* I feel great
- I am centered and focused
- I am enthusiastic and full of energy
- I revel in new challenges
- I’ve got what it takes to win
- I adjust effortlessly
- I do the right thing at the right time
- I am confident
- I believe in myself
- I achieve with ease
- I am highly skilled
- I trust my intuition
- I possess unlimited potential
- I am resourceful
- I’ve got the winning edge
- I know I will win, victory is mine!
Check out some time and see if any of these CDs will help you reach your potential. I like to listen to them while I am working and practicing my deep breathing core strengthening exercise.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Society Can Evolve - We Can Save The Planet
Interestingly, consuming too many animal products is the primary cause of cancer and heart disease according to The China Study and Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Esselstyn.
Jared Diamond makes sure to look at cultures that avoided collapse by taking care of and protecting their environment. In the book one culture lives on a really small island and there are no islands near by. This is how life is on Earth for us. We are here by ourselves and if we don't take care of Mother Earth then there are no inhabitable rocks left for us to go live on. This island culture turned their island into a garden of eden to help save themselves environmentally. Every single plant on the island produced some type of food or something to make clothers or other useful items.
Imagine walking through a city surrounded by trees producing every type of edible fruit imaginable. That would be a city where everyone would always have nutritious food and those trees would produce oxygen for the environment. Every time you eat fruit that is a message to the world to plant more fruit trees. The same is not true for a hamburger, because according to Jeremy Rifkin an acre of forest is destroyed every five seconds for cattle grazing or growing crops for livestock. In the book, Diet For New America, John Robbins points out how over 80% of crops are used to feed livestock instead of people.
Food For Life is an organization that is aware of how producing animal products is the primary cause of world hunger. They have been feeding 100% plant-based meals to hungry people around the world for over 30 years.
We have a choice about our own future and the future of this planet. Humans can evolve and so can societies.
Dr. Will Tuttle wrote the book The World Peace Diet. His message is basically the same as Collapse. Our society needs to stop eating so many animal products if we want to save ourselves and this world. My favorite song in the world is called, "If You Could Save Yourself, You'd Save Us All" by Ween. It is so true.
My favorite part of The World Peace Diet is when Dr. Will Tuttle explains that the World Cancer Research Fund looked at 4,500 different studies and then concluded that animal products cause cancer. There recommendation was to avoid animal products and eat fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. That is the same diet that Dr. Fuhrman and Dr. Esselstyn are using to reverse disease in their patients.
The ultimate message here is if we want a better world we need to start working on ourselves. We can't point fingers and blame someone else or just pretend that things are fine. We also can't avoid the truth because it is too depressing. We need to face the facts and start learning how we can help save this planet.
According to the book, Ecological Integrity by professor David Pimentel it takes 12,000 gallons to produce one pound of beef and 60 gallons to produce a pound of potatoes. Every time I eat a pound of potatoes instead of a pound of a beef I am saving up to 11,940 gallons of water for future generations. The same goes for when I choose beans over meat. One cup of beans provides 30% of my protein for the day and 30% of my iron.
Eating this way has gotten my total cholesterol to 116 so far.
Check out for some videos on the problem and the solutions. Eating more meals that are 100% plant-based is definitely the solution.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Excuses Are Not Natural
Every one of these excuses does nothing for us to help us improve our quality of life and they are not a part of our nature. A little baby doesn't make any excuses. The baby just exists and does. Even if a baby cannot do something it doesn't even phase him/her. They just keep trying and eventually they walk and then run.
What is the potential of our human body? This is something I am always thinking about. This weekend when I did a 54 mile bike ride I wanted to push myself closer to my physical potential.
If you read the book, Ultra Marathon Man, you will start to understand our true physical potential. Dean Karnazes has ran 350 miles in a row. It took him 81 hours to complete this task. He has also completed a 12 man 200 mile relay over 8 times by himself.
The plus to reading this book is it is facsinating and a really good book. If Dean Karnazes can do that and Jack Lalanne can do 1,023 pushups in 23 minutes on National television then what is my excuse. These inspirational people let me know that I can do incredible things with my body and mind.
I also recommend watching 50 Marathons in 50 Days. It's a documentary where Dean Karnazes runs 50 marathons in 50 days. Medical researchers did tests on him and found that after doing 50 marathons in a row his body had suffered less muscle damage than someone who ran one marathon.
Excuses are not natural. Don't let excuses keep you from staying physically fit, mentally fit, and getting the most out of life.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Cadillac Man in Land of The Lost Souls
This book really helped me understand what homelessness is all about. Please do not treat these people badly. I ALWAYS give money to homeless people when I see them and have cash on me. I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY DO WITH THE MONEY!
Giving is more rewarding than receiving and that is not just during Christmas. I give homeless people $5 or $10 sometimes. I don't care if they drink with it. I just want them to know that someone cares about them.
If I was in their situation I pray to God someone would help me and treat me like a normal human being. This book shows the ugly side of discrimination that these people face on a daily basis.
Please read this book. Get it at the library or buy it. I think it is one of the best books I have ever read.
I am so grateful and thankful that I have a job, house, and healthy food to eat. Right now I am eating an incredible soup with all organic ingredients. It has potatoes, kidney beans, green chiles, kale, and a tomato base. Thank God I have the money to afford to feed myself good food.
Cadillac Man says that women are always the cruelest and most judgemental to homeless people. They laugh at them and treat them badly. That hurts my feelings. Please do not treat any of God's children like this. Just like Michael Franti says, "I'm a human being!" We are all human beings.
Thank you Cadillac Man for sharing your story with us.
Read about Land of the The Lost Souls.Friday, February 5, 2010
Momma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be "Health Nuts"
Tim Van Orden -
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Healthy Whole Foods Chocolate Cake
The Scam
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Life Style Power
The whole message of this blog is that we have to take responsibility for our own health and that a healthy lifestyle is the key to healthy aging. There is also alot of information on this website about Dr. Fuhrman and Dr. McDougall.
This weekend we attempt the ultimate mini tri-athlon. Amber and I are going to do a 52.4 mile bike ride, 13.1 walk/run and a 1 mile swim.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Breathe in...Breathe out
I often think of babies and how they just "are". They don't try to impress anyone and aren't in a high state of stress. There breathing is nice and calm.
Breathe in........Breathe out.
Deep breathing is so incredible for us. I recommend Super Power Breathing by Paul Bragg.
Every single day we think over 50,000 different thoughts. That is the reason it is so important just to try and get back in touch with the most simple thing on this planet and that is our breath.
Focusing on our breathing allows us to focus on the most important time there is which is this moment.
Speaking of breathing in and breathing out. I am really excited about the new Karate Kid movie coming out.
Have a good day!
Make sure to breathe in and breathe out!