"As if their reputations weren't sullied enough, cancer researchers took another hit when Dr. Linus Pauling, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the Nobel Peace Prize, said:
'The ways in which the American people have been betrayed by the cancer establishment, the medical profession, and the government are shocking. Everyone should know that the war on cancer is largely a fraud and a sham, and that the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society are derelict in their duties to the people who support them'"
-In the Name of Science: A History of Secret Programs, Medical Research, And Human Experimentation by Andrew Goliszek
The sicker we get as a society the more money there is to be made off of our suffering by the medical establishment. Turn on your television and watch The Biggest Loser to see young 30 year old men who are 525 lbs. These same people go to doctors and all the doctors can promise to do is expensive surgeries.
My mother was scammed by this system. She was a medical nurse for 15 years and she believed in our medical system. She got excited about all the fancy medications she was offered for pain relief, allergies, depression, sinus problems, digestive problems and every other single health problem she dealt with.
Our current medical system doesn't want to know what is CAUSING the health problem. They only want to cover up symptoms with pills and surgeries and move on to the next money bag or patient.
Amber went to a doctor because she was having headaches and our bill was $1,600 dollars. All this genius told us was to take tylenol which will destroy your digestive system. His advice wasn't even worth .10 cents. His prescription was stupid.
Americans need to start waking up. One person and one family at a time. The Biggest Loser is the beginning of that revolution. I have seen people get off over 9 medications in less than two weeks of healthier eating and exercise on that show. One patient was only 28 years old and was on 8 different medications. They got him off of all those medications and Dr. Huizenga stated that it would save him $700,000 in medical expenses.
In the long run it will be cheaper to just take care of our health with diet and exercise. We will get the added benefit of looking good and feeling good.
Invest in your health and open your eyes up to the SCAM!!! The scam is our modern medical system trying to take every dime we ever earned by making our society think that disease is a natural part of the aging process or that it is genetics (God's fault). Read OverDosed in America by Dr. John Abramson for more information on this scam.

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