Women are the stronger part of this yin yang equation. We need both for harmony, peace, and enlightenment, but women have been pushed aside from their rightful place in history.
We need women to start educating themselves and steer this ship back on course before we hit a really big ice berg and end up destroying this incredible country.

She beat the guys and girls in the 135 mile Badwater run in 130 degree temperature and she didn't even feel hot at all. Women are stronger than us. They can endure more pain and can beat us and I really think they are smarter than us, but our media is pushing our entire society towards dumbing ourselves down.
I have met so many women and men who don't read. They spend the majority of their time watching t.v. shows that do nothing to educate us and very little to inspire us to get off the couch and DO something!
The picture below is from an article by Dr. Fuhrman showing what is happening to kids today on the SAD (Standard American Diet). We are killing our own kids with high fat foods.
The Tarahumara let women have an equal place in society and they have no cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, war, theft, running injuries, carbon emissions or any of the other problems we have created in this society.
The message is simple. Women need to start smartening up their guys. We can see that the Tarahumara Indians have a society without our problems and if we want that for America we need to use our brains.
Every time a woman reads a book like Born To Run or Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease we will be that much closer to a society where our quality of life lasts a life time and we don't have to spend the last part of our lives in nursing homes and wheel chairs. We can spend the last years of our lives hiking, biking, and out in nature doing stuff like the Tarahumara do when they are 95 and walking 26 miles in the Copper Canyons.

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