The Standard American "suicide" diet is dangerous. Ronnie learned the hard way when he ended up getting heart surgery at the age of 46. Three years later after more surgeries doctors told him it was time to die.
Imagine being told it is your time to die at 49. The most expensive medical system in human history couldn't even help Ronnie live past the age of 50.
That is when he discovered and reversed his heart disease on his own. Today he is "alive" and off all medications.
He is no longer on the Standard American "suicide" diet. He is following the Eat To Live diet and he looks about 25 years younger. His total cholesterol is also now at 101 mg/dL.
“Since starting Eat to Live, my progress is as follows: I've lost 120 lbs., down to 180 lbs. (remember I pegged the scales @ 300 pounds), just 10 lbs away from my goal weight of 170, have stopped taking Lipitor and Avapro for blood pressure, have gotten my exercise tolerance up to where I can exercise without having PVC's, the angina has ceased, quit drinking, and quit smoking by following the <>6 week weight loss program. My most recent lipid panel had my cholestrol at 101, ldl-51 hdl-34, trig 91.”

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