Click Here for Engine 2 Sweet Potato Lasagna Recipe
Tomorrow night I am going to a Poker party and I am bringing some Engine 2 Sweet Potato Lasagna and hopefully if time permits some Engine 2 Chocolate Chunk Cookies.
This recipe is incredible. We made some this weekend with homemade red sauce and it was so good.
Check out The O2 Diet for an incredible Bok Choy and Tofu stir fry. We have also been making that every night with brown rice and it is incredible.
I am also planning on bringing a salad to this party, because no meal is complete without an incredible out of this world tasting salad. Add some pecans for 19 vitamins and minerals and because they taste incredible.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Watching The Wheels Go Around...
Just enjoying my runner's high I got from my 3.9 mile run on lunch break and listening to John Lennon.
What would the world be like without music?
I am also dreaming of my Jungle Gym that I am getting on Friday. Jon Hinds is the genius behind that invention.
I love life. I have also been reading about the dust bowl in the book, The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan.
Imagine what it is like to work for an entire year and not get paid. That is what happened to the majority of the wheat farmers in the dust bowl region. There was too much wheat so they were told "You get nothing" for one year's worth of hard labor. It makes you sad hearing stuff like that.
Thank God for FDR.
What would the world be like without music?
I am also dreaming of my Jungle Gym that I am getting on Friday. Jon Hinds is the genius behind that invention.
I love life. I have also been reading about the dust bowl in the book, The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan.
Imagine what it is like to work for an entire year and not get paid. That is what happened to the majority of the wheat farmers in the dust bowl region. There was too much wheat so they were told "You get nothing" for one year's worth of hard labor. It makes you sad hearing stuff like that.
Thank God for FDR.
"I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round..."
-John Lennon
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Chicago Fire Fighters Adopt Plant-Based Diets!!!
Chicago fire fighters heed obesity alarm - More fire fighters die from the Standard American "suicide diet" than from fires. Dr. Oz talked to a fire fighter that stated that more of his fellow fire fighters were dying from the fork than fires. Dr. Oz helped three fire fighters adopt a vegan diet based on the principles of The Engine 2 Diet and now those fire fighters only eat animal products in moderation...very small amounts and very infrequently.
Heart disease is 100% preventable. I eat vegetables all day long and am trying to figure out why I don't get sore after 22 mile runs and after running 4.5 miles and lifting weights for 1 hour in one day.
If you switch from the"suicide diet" to a diet that is actually good for you, you won't ever want to go back. Trust me on that. My bok choy stir fry with broiled tofu last night was so good...I can't wait to have it again and again and again.
Heart disease is 100% preventable. I eat vegetables all day long and am trying to figure out why I don't get sore after 22 mile runs and after running 4.5 miles and lifting weights for 1 hour in one day.
If you switch from the"suicide diet" to a diet that is actually good for you, you won't ever want to go back. Trust me on that. My bok choy stir fry with broiled tofu last night was so good...I can't wait to have it again and again and again.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saving 83,731,100 Gallons of Water in 62 Years
My plan is to at least live healthy and strong like Jack Lalanne until I make it to 95 years of age.

According to the world peace diet I save 1,350,500 gallons of water a year by avoiding animal products.
In 62 years I will have saved 83,731,100 gallons of water. That is awesome!!!
Without water their would be no life on this planet!!!
Conserving water resources with a 100% plant-based diet is a spiritual way to preserve life for future generations!
What ever is good for the human body is good for the planet!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
30 1 Minute Sprints
Sprints are my favorite workout!! They are incredible. I have read that they increase growth hormone output by up to 300%.
Every time you do them you are telling your body something profound. You are telling your body to be ready to be able to go at 80 - 100% at a moments notice. Your body is intelligent and will listen to this message.
Kids are always sprinting for fun and it is one of the secrets to their youth. They can find joy in that simple act of running as fast as you can.
Try doing 30 1 minute sprints. After each sprint take a 1 minute break (no running). I like to do my 1 minute sprints at 10 mph.
It's incredible when you do this workout from the Biggest Loser how long you can maintain high speed sprints.
Every time you do them you are telling your body something profound. You are telling your body to be ready to be able to go at 80 - 100% at a moments notice. Your body is intelligent and will listen to this message.
Kids are always sprinting for fun and it is one of the secrets to their youth. They can find joy in that simple act of running as fast as you can.
Try doing 30 1 minute sprints. After each sprint take a 1 minute break (no running). I like to do my 1 minute sprints at 10 mph.
It's incredible when you do this workout from the Biggest Loser how long you can maintain high speed sprints.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Eischens Yoga Training DVD - Monkey Bar Gym
Jon Hind is such an incredible trainer. He is so open minded. When Jon found out he had arthritis at the age of 40 he needed an answer and surgery didn't make sense to him. He read The China Study, and adopted a 100% vegan diet and his arthritis disappeared in two months.
Now that is open minded for a guy who spent the majority of his life strength training to just adopt a plant-based diet and fix the problem.
He did the same thing with his knee injury that he sustained while training professional basketball players. He was unable to use it the way he used to for two years, but within one month of trying Eischens Yoga all of his knee pain was gone and he was able to dunk. This was after not being able to play basketball for two years.
I just started Eishens yoga about five days ago and it is really impressing me. Yesterday I did a 22 mile run and today I am not even sore. That is an awesome feeling! I love this type of yoga because it is quick and to the point. 24 minutes a day.

Now that is open minded for a guy who spent the majority of his life strength training to just adopt a plant-based diet and fix the problem.
He did the same thing with his knee injury that he sustained while training professional basketball players. He was unable to use it the way he used to for two years, but within one month of trying Eischens Yoga all of his knee pain was gone and he was able to dunk. This was after not being able to play basketball for two years.
I just started Eishens yoga about five days ago and it is really impressing me. Yesterday I did a 22 mile run and today I am not even sore. That is an awesome feeling! I love this type of yoga because it is quick and to the point. 24 minutes a day.

Friday, April 16, 2010
Save 1,350,500 Million Gallons of Water Per Year
"Few of us are aware of the tremendous strain imposed on our water supplies by animal agriculture. Agriculture consumes fully eighty-five percent of all U.S. freshwater resources, mainly to produce animal foods. A day's production of food for one omnivore human requires more than four thousand gallons of water, compared with less than three hundred for a vegan.."
The World Peace Diet by Will Tuttle
Do the math:
365 x 4,000 = 1,460,000 gallons of water per year (omnivore)
365 x 300 = 109,500 gallons of water per year (vegan)
How much water do we save by going vegan according to The World Peace Diet?
1,350,500 million gallons of water saved per year
My salad today tasted so incredible. My beans and rice was out of this world. I kep thinking about the 15,000 antioxidant units in those organic black beans and the 70 different antioxidants in the brown rice. I thought about the thousands and thousands of phytonutrients and antioxidants in my HUGE salad with Zesty Tomato dressing from Eat To Live.
Then I bit into a walnut, tomato, salad, and Zesty Tomato dressing. The flavors were indescribable. Beyond anything I ever rememeber eating at a Fast Food restaurant.
Feels good knowing I am making a difference and getting to eat the most flavorful foods on the planet.
The World Peace Diet by Will Tuttle
Do the math:
365 x 4,000 = 1,460,000 gallons of water per year (omnivore)
365 x 300 = 109,500 gallons of water per year (vegan)
How much water do we save by going vegan according to The World Peace Diet?
1,350,500 million gallons of water saved per year
My salad today tasted so incredible. My beans and rice was out of this world. I kep thinking about the 15,000 antioxidant units in those organic black beans and the 70 different antioxidants in the brown rice. I thought about the thousands and thousands of phytonutrients and antioxidants in my HUGE salad with Zesty Tomato dressing from Eat To Live.
Then I bit into a walnut, tomato, salad, and Zesty Tomato dressing. The flavors were indescribable. Beyond anything I ever rememeber eating at a Fast Food restaurant.
Feels good knowing I am making a difference and getting to eat the most flavorful foods on the planet.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
One Cup Pinto Beans = 15,000 ORAC units
Antioxidants are incredible!!! They make us younger from the inside out. They are little helpers that clean all the oxidants out of our body every second. I was really impressed recently to learn about all the antioxidants in brown rice.
Vegetarian Options
Black beans (or black bean soup) 1 c= 15,600
Kidney beans 1 c= 15,600
Pinto beans 1 c= 15,000
Lentils 1 c= 14,000
Black-eyed peas 1 c= 7,300
Edamame (soybeans) 3⁄4 c= 5,400
Chickpeas 1 c= 1,700
Split peas 1 c= 1,000
Hummus 4 Tbsp= 400
“Rice bran contains more than seventy antioxidants, including well known aging fighters vitamin E, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), coenzyme Q-10, proanthocyanidins, and inositol hexaphosphate. It is no wonder that rural farmers in Asia, who eat brown rice because white rice is too expensive, live longer and develop fewer health problems than their city dwelling counterparts, who eat mostly white rice.”
-Secrets of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways To Live To Be 100 by Dr. Maoshing Ni
-Secrets of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways To Live To Be 100 by Dr. Maoshing Ni
Nothing prepared me to learn how many antioxidants are in simple and cheap foods like beans. One cup of pinto beans has 15,000 ORAC antioxidant units. The new book, The O2 Diet is teaching us about the power of antioxidant foods and how to include them in our diet to get 30,000 ORAC antioxidant units per day. Awesome!
Below are some of the antioxidant levels in beans. The book also shows how you can make a green smoothie that has over 17,000 ORAC antioxidants.
It's incredible that you can find simple, cheap foods that are this powerful and healthy for us.

Black beans (or black bean soup) 1 c= 15,600
Kidney beans 1 c= 15,600
Pinto beans 1 c= 15,000
Lentils 1 c= 14,000
Black-eyed peas 1 c= 7,300
Edamame (soybeans) 3⁄4 c= 5,400
Chickpeas 1 c= 1,700
Split peas 1 c= 1,000
Hummus 4 Tbsp= 400
Monday, April 12, 2010
Which Veggie Burgers Were Made With a Neurotoxin?
Which Veggie Burgers Were Made With a Neurotoxin?
This article says it all. You cannot trust processed food. The article has a long list of veggie burgers made by corporations that have toxic neurotoxins in them.
It's best, cheapest, and easiest just to make your own. You can find some great recipes for veggie burgers at
This article says it all. You cannot trust processed food. The article has a long list of veggie burgers made by corporations that have toxic neurotoxins in them.
It's best, cheapest, and easiest just to make your own. You can find some great recipes for veggie burgers at
Friday, April 9, 2010
Editor-in-chief, The American Journal of Cardiology
"Human beings are not natural carnivores. When we kill animals to eat them, they end up killing us because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fat, was never intended for human beings, who are natural herbivores."
-William C. Roberts, M.D.,
Editor-in-chief, The American Journal of Cardiology
Beating Heart Disease - Eat To Live
Ronnie has lost 120 pounds in 7 months and credits Dr. Fuhrman and his 'Ask the Doctor' forum for his success! - Check out the whole story here.
The Standard American "suicide" diet is dangerous. Ronnie learned the hard way when he ended up getting heart surgery at the age of 46. Three years later after more surgeries doctors told him it was time to die.
Imagine being told it is your time to die at 49. The most expensive medical system in human history couldn't even help Ronnie live past the age of 50.
That is when he discovered and reversed his heart disease on his own. Today he is "alive" and off all medications.
He is no longer on the Standard American "suicide" diet. He is following the Eat To Live diet and he looks about 25 years younger. His total cholesterol is also now at 101 mg/dL.

The Standard American "suicide" diet is dangerous. Ronnie learned the hard way when he ended up getting heart surgery at the age of 46. Three years later after more surgeries doctors told him it was time to die.
Imagine being told it is your time to die at 49. The most expensive medical system in human history couldn't even help Ronnie live past the age of 50.
That is when he discovered and reversed his heart disease on his own. Today he is "alive" and off all medications.
He is no longer on the Standard American "suicide" diet. He is following the Eat To Live diet and he looks about 25 years younger. His total cholesterol is also now at 101 mg/dL.
“Since starting Eat to Live, my progress is as follows: I've lost 120 lbs., down to 180 lbs. (remember I pegged the scales @ 300 pounds), just 10 lbs away from my goal weight of 170, have stopped taking Lipitor and Avapro for blood pressure, have gotten my exercise tolerance up to where I can exercise without having PVC's, the angina has ceased, quit drinking, and quit smoking by following the <>6 week weight loss program. My most recent lipid panel had my cholestrol at 101, ldl-51 hdl-34, trig 91.”

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Rich Roll - Vegan Athlete - Voted One of 25 Fittest Men in the World
There aren't many vegan athletes in the world yet, but it is really incredible when you find out that an athlete exists like Rich Roll.
He didn't exercise for 20 years. At the age of 40 he felt out of shape so he changed his diet to a vegan diet and started exercising.
The plant-based diets that are best for the planet are also best for human health and athletic performance.
- At 42 he completed a double ironman triathlon which consists of a 6.2 mile swim, 260 miles of cycling, and a 54 mile marathon.
- He finished in the top 10 after not being involved in competition for 20 years.
- Men’s Fitness Magazine voted Rich Roll one of the 25 fittest men of the world in 2009.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Diet For a Hot Planet
How hard would it be to convince someone in the early days of sailing that vitamin C deficiency was the cause of scuvy?
Well, if you read the history of scurvy you will see that it was almost impossible to prove this simple truth to society and the scientific establishment.
Humans weren't ready to accept the simple fact that we will die if we eat zero plant foods.
Today, we are faced with another simple truth. Humans die prematurely when fed animal products and when humans consume animal products it destroys our planet.
The livestock on this planet are creating more emissions than all the trucks and cars on the planet and the methane emissions are 200 times more powerful as global warming agents than carbon dioxide emissions.
Now go find a skeptic and try to convince them that if humans don't stop eating a diet based around animal products it will destroy the planet. You will find the same thing that was found out during the time of scurvy.
The truth shall set us free, but the truth is not something people are willing to accept.

Well, if you read the history of scurvy you will see that it was almost impossible to prove this simple truth to society and the scientific establishment.
Humans weren't ready to accept the simple fact that we will die if we eat zero plant foods.
Today, we are faced with another simple truth. Humans die prematurely when fed animal products and when humans consume animal products it destroys our planet.
The livestock on this planet are creating more emissions than all the trucks and cars on the planet and the methane emissions are 200 times more powerful as global warming agents than carbon dioxide emissions.
Now go find a skeptic and try to convince them that if humans don't stop eating a diet based around animal products it will destroy the planet. You will find the same thing that was found out during the time of scurvy.
The truth shall set us free, but the truth is not something people are willing to accept.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Healthy Honey Mustard Dressing
Ever since I was a kid I have loved salads. I remember eating massive amounts of salads as a kid. I loved them.
I am probably the only person that remembers eating every vegetable in our house all the time. No vegetable was safe with me around.
When I found out I could prevent heart disease by avoiding animal products I didn't even need a second to think about it.
I stopped right there. While everyone was eating turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy I was eating a salad.
The problem with salads is the dressings today are so fattening and loaded with salt and sugar.
One container of ranch has over 8,000 miligrams of salt and 288 grams of fat. That is the same amount of fat as would be found in 738 baked potatoes.
Try this dressing on a salad and make sure you have a good calorie source with that salad. I like to use beans or brown rice.
Honey Mustard Dressing
1 tablespoon Apple cider vinegar, lime, or lemon
1 tablespoon liquid amino
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon dairy free honey mustard
Seasoning (any herbs you want in it)
Whip this up till it is nice and creamy. Then pour it on a HUGE salad and mix it up really good. Healthy nuts like pecans and walnuts really bring out the flavor of this dressing in a salad.
Pecan have 18 vitamins and minerals in them so they are a great addition to a salad. Brown rice has over 70 different antioxidants in it so that is a great source of calories.
This dressing will make you fall in love with vegetables for the first time, or if you are like me for the thousdanth time. It will also make it so you can eat a guilt free meal that is incredible tasting.
I am probably the only person that remembers eating every vegetable in our house all the time. No vegetable was safe with me around.
When I found out I could prevent heart disease by avoiding animal products I didn't even need a second to think about it.
I stopped right there. While everyone was eating turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy I was eating a salad.
The problem with salads is the dressings today are so fattening and loaded with salt and sugar.
One container of ranch has over 8,000 miligrams of salt and 288 grams of fat. That is the same amount of fat as would be found in 738 baked potatoes.
Try this dressing on a salad and make sure you have a good calorie source with that salad. I like to use beans or brown rice.
Honey Mustard Dressing
1 tablespoon Apple cider vinegar, lime, or lemon
1 tablespoon liquid amino
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon dairy free honey mustard
Seasoning (any herbs you want in it)
Whip this up till it is nice and creamy. Then pour it on a HUGE salad and mix it up really good. Healthy nuts like pecans and walnuts really bring out the flavor of this dressing in a salad.
Pecan have 18 vitamins and minerals in them so they are a great addition to a salad. Brown rice has over 70 different antioxidants in it so that is a great source of calories.
This dressing will make you fall in love with vegetables for the first time, or if you are like me for the thousdanth time. It will also make it so you can eat a guilt free meal that is incredible tasting.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Avoided Cholesterol from 116,070 Slices of Bacon
In the book, Milk The Deadly Poison, the author makes it very clear that the average American consumes the equivalent amount of cholesterol from dairy products every day that they would have from 53 slices of bacon.
His book explains that by the time the average American reaches the age of 52 they have consumed the equivalent amount of cholesterol from dairy products as they would have from 1 million slices of bacon.
When I read this everything became so clear. My uncle didn't die of a heart attack at 37 because he had bad genes or a party lifestyle. He was consuming products that every single one of us did and these foods kill. That is why heart disease is the number one killer in America!
We want to blame it on genes, because it makes life easier for us. It gives us a chance to point a blame finger and not take responsibility for our own actions.
That ended my love affair with dairy products. Now my total cholesterol is 116 and I feel better than I ever have in my life.
In the last six years I have not been sick one time with the exception of one food poisoning incident. I can also exercise longer and more often than ever before.
So far after six years of avoiding dairy products I have avoided consuming the cholesterol that would have been found in 116,070 slices of bacon. No wonder my total cholesterol is 116.
His book explains that by the time the average American reaches the age of 52 they have consumed the equivalent amount of cholesterol from dairy products as they would have from 1 million slices of bacon.
When I read this everything became so clear. My uncle didn't die of a heart attack at 37 because he had bad genes or a party lifestyle. He was consuming products that every single one of us did and these foods kill. That is why heart disease is the number one killer in America!
We want to blame it on genes, because it makes life easier for us. It gives us a chance to point a blame finger and not take responsibility for our own actions.
That ended my love affair with dairy products. Now my total cholesterol is 116 and I feel better than I ever have in my life.
In the last six years I have not been sick one time with the exception of one food poisoning incident. I can also exercise longer and more often than ever before.
So far after six years of avoiding dairy products I have avoided consuming the cholesterol that would have been found in 116,070 slices of bacon. No wonder my total cholesterol is 116.
Friday, April 2, 2010
What clever name would I have to come up with to justify eating something this adorable?
Is the word "bacon" enough to make us completely forget that every single creature on this planet wants to live?
My total cholesterol is 116 because I prefer to eat plants. Even though the screams of that head of cabbage and the murdering of each tomato keeps me up late at night.
It's hard to believe that heart disease is the number one killer in this country and no body wants to acknowledge what is causing it.
Is the word "bacon" enough to make us completely forget that every single creature on this planet wants to live?
My total cholesterol is 116 because I prefer to eat plants. Even though the screams of that head of cabbage and the murdering of each tomato keeps me up late at night.
It's hard to believe that heart disease is the number one killer in this country and no body wants to acknowledge what is causing it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Jon Hinds - Super Strong Vegan Fitness Trainer
A Plant-Based Diet Will Improve Athletic Performance
What kind of fuel are you using? Are you filling up on donuts, macaroni&cheese, and peanut butter sandwiches or whole foods?
Jon Hinds is an incredible athlete. He is 45 years old and he is the owner of Monkey Bar Gym. On the link above you can listen to a recording of his story.
I was inspired by his story about how he defeated arthritis with a plant-based diet and how he taught Tony Gonzalez how to consume a whole foods plant-based diet.
Why would we want to put garbage in these incredible bodies? When I have my green smoothie in the morning I feel incredible! I can't wait to taste that incredible smoothie that has been blended to perfection by my blender that has the same type of motor as some boat motors.
Why would we want to just look strong and poison ourselves at the same time? Jon Hinds is looking strong, and feeling strong and doing it the "healthy way".

What kind of fuel are you using? Are you filling up on donuts, macaroni&cheese, and peanut butter sandwiches or whole foods?
Jon Hinds is an incredible athlete. He is 45 years old and he is the owner of Monkey Bar Gym. On the link above you can listen to a recording of his story.
I was inspired by his story about how he defeated arthritis with a plant-based diet and how he taught Tony Gonzalez how to consume a whole foods plant-based diet.
Why would we want to put garbage in these incredible bodies? When I have my green smoothie in the morning I feel incredible! I can't wait to taste that incredible smoothie that has been blended to perfection by my blender that has the same type of motor as some boat motors.
Why would we want to just look strong and poison ourselves at the same time? Jon Hinds is looking strong, and feeling strong and doing it the "healthy way".

Jon Hinds,
plant-based diet,
reversing arthritis
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