“You are poisoning yourself! Before you eat another bite of food... before you take another pill... you owe it to yourself (and those you love) to read this book!”
—David Rippe,Author of The Flip
—David Rippe,Author of The Flip

—Book Sense,The American Bookseller's Association
“The Hundred-Year Lie: How Food and Medicine Are Destroying Your Health, is one of those books that not only needs to be read by every thinking person in America, it also needs to be in the hands of political leaders and policymakers who have been controlled by the very industries that have created the massive health crisis Fitzgerald so clearly exposes.”
—Elissa Meininger,NewsWithViews.com
—Elissa Meininger,NewsWithViews.com
We have been lied to for over 100 years by the food industry and the medical industry. When my mother passed away from cancer at 44, and my uncle passed away from a heart attack at 37 I was just supposed to blame it on genetics and go on with my life. I was supposed to continue poisoning myself at every meal.
Instead I decided to start reading and I didn't stop. I am still reading about what is going on and I am always learning. Learning about Jack Lalanne really made me think. Here is a guy who is 95 and doesn't have cancer or heart disease. That was one thing that made me realize I had been lied to. For my whole life we were supposed to blame all of our bad diseases on genetics.
Then I read about the Okinawans and the Hunzans that live in disease free societies where nursing homes don't exist.
Eventually I worked my way to The Hundred Year Lie by Randal Fitzgerald. I don't know about you, but I don't like being lied to. I don't care if I am enjoying my bacon double cheeseburger or not...I don't like being told that heart disease and cancer are just bad genetics when that is a LIE.
Read this book and you will be shocked at how things changed in America. How heart disease went from being almost non-existent to being the number one killer. You will see how we traded in our farm grown food for junk food and processed food and then we ended up with the most expensive health care system in human history.
We live in a nation that started off by boycotting goods that didn't fit our ideals. Now each of us can begin to boycott junk food and start to support local farmers as we revolt against one hundred years of lies.
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