Reversing Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery

Reversing Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery
Eat To Live - Eat For Health

Friday, March 5, 2010

Green For Life - Green Smoothie Every Day!!!

Last night I had a dream that I got a substantial raise. It was pretty fascinating, because I have been saying affirmations for some time about being more financially successful.

The dream let me know that the messages have finally reached my subconscious. That was the whole point of saying affirmations to start changing the direction of my life by consciously choosing different thoughts to repeat out loud.

I love my life so much. I love every day of it. It is such an adventure. There is always another great book to read, or a new exercise to add to my routine, some great event to train for, and wonderful people to work with and for.

I am so thankful for everything in my life. I am thankful that I can wake up in the morning and have a green smoothie made with wild blueberries, organic kale, and bananas after a great one day fast.

Why do I love life so much? I am not sure. I think it might have something to do with eating high nutrient foods like green smoothies, salads, and healthy foods like the Tarahumara eat (beans).

Basically my point is we have life really good. We are very fortunate to have so much abundance in our lives. We can make it even better by choosing better thoughts and making good eating choices.

I recommend Green For Life as a book that I want you out there to read. Try to get it from the library. Chimps share 94% of our genetic code and over half of their diet is green leafy vegetables. If you aren't eating spinach, kale, cabbage, collard greens, bok choy, or some type of green leafy vegetable every day then you are officially crazy.

I repeat: We share 94% of our genetic code with chimps and they don't eat junk food in the wild. Make yourself a green smoothie and find out what you are missing.

If it doesn't taste good it means your blender probably sucks. I got a Vitamix, but the next cheapest high powered blender is Montel William's Health Master blender.

When I taste a green smoothie with those wild blueberries, greens, and bananas blended up I feel like I am in heaven. Nothing I have ever eaten has compared to this taste explosion in my mouth. I have tried to make these smoothies with cheap blenders and they just don't taste as good. I am close to heaven, but still have a couple hundred miles to go.

Invest in your health. Get a Health Master blender if you want to experience something that to me is the most fulfilling and delicious food combination on the planet.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure your bananas are ripe too. Green bananas suck! They taste horrible.

    They also make horrible smoothies. The bananas need to start to have little brown speckles on them to taste really good.
