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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

100 Benefits of Meditation


Meditation is so incredible! Why?

Is it the 100 different benefits? Is it the fact that doctors are curing diseases with it in books like Meditation as Medicine?

Is it the fact that it helps with stress?

For me one reason it is so incredible is that it is so difficult. I know that I need to do it because it is so hard to do.

I have run for over 5 hours and it is still not as difficult as sitting still for 20 minutes and breathing. It just shows me how far I have gotten from my source of energy.

I love doing it and do it every night. Books like the Law of Attraction by Esther and Abraham Hicks have really made me a bigger fan of meditation.

I also find it fascinating that some of the most successful people have admitted to meditating most of their lives like Jerry Seinfeld. Did meditation help him become one of the most successful comedians of all time? It very well could have.

Jerry Seinfeld:“I’ve been practicing Transcendental Meditation most of my life. I think that does something to your nervous system. It has givenme a calmness I don’t think I had at 19.”Source: Philadelphia Inquirer

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